Sin Is Fun For A Season

I used to think that it had to be easier to keep from sinning years ago compared to today, when life was much simpler. The fact is, we are all born into sin. We don’t need anything but ourselves to accomplish that. We can sin with our own thoughts and words. We don’t even need anyone else to help us. We do it all on our own. That is a scary thought. Thank God for Jesus! The penalty for our sin has been paid in full!

Romans 6:13 says “ And do not present your members as instruments of unrighteousness to sin, but present yourselves to God as being alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God.”

We must stop presenting the members of our body to sin. Our whole lives we are constantly being delivered from the power of the old sin nature. It pulls at us constantly. God loved us so much that He sent His son to die for our sins. I know we have all heard that statement time and time again but it still blows me away. Jesus paid the price. He did this so we would be able to have repentance for our sins. Every day we must renew our minds and repent. It is not a one time deal. IT’S EVERY DAY.

Pauls Secret

Paul tells us that the secret of progressive sanctification is to know the truth. “Reckon it to be true and yield ones life to the Holy Spirit.” What is sanctification and what does it mean to reckon? Sanctification is the act or process of acquiring sanctity, of being made or becoming holy. Reckon means to consider or regard in a specific way. Reckoning on the truth of God’s word is to put faith into action. It is the step of faith, which not only trusts God’s word but acts on it as well. We must reckon ourselves dead to sin and alive to Christ!

A Day to Day Attitude

The ongoing sanctification is a day to day attitude of life which we allow the word of God to dwell in us. To dwell in us means to keep His word close to our hearts and on the forefront of our minds. Luke 6:45 states that “…for out of the abundance of the heart, his mouth speaks.” What we keep close to our hearts is what comes out into the world, whether it be by speech or by actions.

Every day we must renew our minds and repent. It is not a one time deal. IT’S EVERY DAY.

The Reward

Sin is easy and sin is fun. Nobody wants to tell you that but it’s true. The reward from staying on the narrow path and following Jesus is far beyond anything in this world you could try and acquire or do. Being a believer can sometimes be very difficult when you are trying to do the right thing. His strength is made perfect in our weakness (2 Cor 12:9). God has a plan for my life and yours. If we let him, His glory will shine in our lives and then we can be a vessel to help lead someone else to Jesus.

Author Amber Thomas

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