The heart is an amazing thing, from the moment that God flashes light into the womb it starts to beat. The engine that drives our magnificent bodies doing what it’s made to do without instruction. Our heart leads us more than we think.
The human body is a perfect example of how great God is, the complexities of it are still a mystery to those in science. One example is how the eyes transmit color to the brain, I will let you research that on your own but it is very fascinating! So if we are magnificently made why are many people struggling with “unhealthy lifestyles?”
I laugh when I’m in the grocery store and I see “heart healthy” on packages of food. It’s so easy to focus on what goes in the mouth but Matthew 15:11 says “It’s not what goes into your mouth that defiles you; you are defiled by the words that come out of your mouth.” (NLT)
The Treasure In You
Scripture is constantly telling us to diagnose the heart because it truly determines our spiritual condition of health. Matthew 6:21 says, “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” So let’s think about that, if your heart is where your treasure is and what defiles you comes out of your mouth that can get pretty serious.

What do you talk about the most? “For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.” (Matthew 12:34)
What gets you excited and passionate to carry on conversations? I am guilty of speaking about temporal worldly things. The world has done a great job of trying to program us, but we don’t have to let it happen. I’ve asked myself how can I remember the words of a song I listened to in high school yet struggle to recall scripture? Scripture says “Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.” (Psalms19:14)
Most of us have put our “treasure” in the world and not the only thing that matters, our relationship with God. Proverbs 4;23 “Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.” Now that’s plain as day! Another word for keep is reserve, now it can get tricky because in order to love you have to give some of your heart, most of us don’t do that. Our feelings and emotions cause us to go “all in” with whatever it is we feel will make us happy. The only thing we should ever go “all in” with is knowing and pursuing the heart of God.

Diligence is a learned skill, in every circumstance we undertake we experience outcomes. Those outcomes may not be what we want or expect and could possibly create a felling called “hurt.” Notice it says “out of it are the issues of life.” So many of us have issues that are deep, I mean deep in our hearts. We may say we forgive but that scar tissue that remains from the hurts of life still remain. Many of you know all it takes is one thought of that moment and it all comes back. This will affect the heart, raising blood pressure, trouble breathing, anxiety and depression.
The thought created it but the fact that it was in the heart is what made the body react with such devastating effects. The heart is the doorway to the mind, the eyes are to a certain extent but they don’t have the memory that we allow the heart of man to have, notice i said we allow the heart to have memory. GOD HAS NO MEMORY!! He is all about moving forward constantly! So we need to diligently keep our heart focused on the treasures of God and not of this world.
The Worst Heart Attack Of All
Our desires need to be for God, I know in many churches across America for hundreds of years worship has been willed when the hearts desires are elsewhere. We have all been in church before holding on to that hurt not letting God remove that scar tissue. The problem is you cant hide. Jesus knew the hearts of everyone he came in contact with. Just think how disappointed he has been when you hold on to a hurt “acting” like you are worshipping. That hurts him way more than what someone did or said to you twenty years ago. Let it go!
A heart attack occurs when one or more of your arteries become blocked. The blood cannot flow through the body. When your spiritual heart becomes unhealthy the “Blood of Jesus” cannot flow through your body. Many of us need a quadruple bypass from the Lord due to a hardened heart and clogged arteries. You can live with a very high blockage rate in the body. Today many of us are doing that with our spiritual life and a “Unhealthy Heart.”

But, hey there’s good news. The Lord is waiting and always ready to perform the operation. Removing the scar tissue, performing the bypass, getting you back to a “Healthy Heart.” I don’t know about you but Im thankful for a physician and surgeon like him that has a 100% success rate.
There Is Hope
You don’t even have to worry about the recovery time because there is none. His results are instant, effective and permanent. All you have to do is let Him in, no secrets, guilt or shame. He already knows the inner depths of your heart and soul. Just be honest with Him and say, Lord, I’ve held on to hurts, guilt and shame, I’ve said I forgive them but I haven’t. When I do forgive I still remember and I know You have no memory, so no-longer do I. Please operate on my heart Lord, and I promise to diligently keep my heart on Your commandments, making You my treasure, so that the mediation of my heart may be acceptable in Your sight, In JESUS name AMEN!

By Jason Thomas
Jason what a message. Your blog is the first I have been able to read. So amazing.God bless you and your family.
That’s what I’m talking about. Let our hearts be healthy. Jason, thank you for sharing.