Why Do We Question Anything?

Why do we question anything? Is the Word of God not enough to keep us content and wanting nothing but a relationship with Him? Do we search out our hearts daily? If not, the time is now! 

In January, I lost my dad (62 yrs old) and a month later lost my 96 year old grandmother.  Both loved the Lord. Both served Him in similar ways. Both from different religious backgrounds.  Both showed God’s love and knew the importance of Him in all our lives. Both taught me to love the Lord above anything else. Lessons I want to pass along to my children. 

Lately, I have been led to use my grandmothers Bible along with my own. As I thumb through the pages, I see many hours spent in His Word, understanding, love, knowledge and  relationship. I then question, like all the writings and underlined scriptures in there, do we have this knowledge and understanding written on the tablets of our hearts? Proverbs 3:3 says, “Let not mercy and truth forsake you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart.” Are they there? Inscribed in your heart? 

In this truth/understanding/knowledge, do we not worry (Matthew 6:25), not doubt (James 1:6), not fear (Isaiah 41:10)? It pleases God to trust Him with our every need. Like in Matthew, the birds are fed and have no worry of anything. Why not us? “Look at the birds! They do not worry about what to eat – they don’t need to sow or reap or store up food – for your heavenly Father feeds them. And you are far more valuable to Him than they are. Will all your worries add a single moment to your life?” (vs 26-27) Trust comes from spending time with Him and in His Word. This will help with our heart issue. 

It seemed that the Israelite’s were never satisfied in the desert. God provided their every need, but they still weren’t happy. The problem is they were following God with their words and not their hearts. Their hearts were far away and this grieved God’s heart. The same goes for us today. Are we following God with our words or our hearts?  

I don’t want to hurt or grieve Him. God has done so much for me over and over again. “I recall the many miracles He did for me so long ago.” – Psalms 77:11. I constantly work on my heart. If we don’t do this, we can’t have a true relationship with Him and we can’t follow any of His instructions in the scriptures. 

When I read Psalms 139:17-18, I was overcome with God’s love for us. It says, “How precious it is, Lord, to realize that you are thinking about me constantly! I can’t even count how many times a day your thoughts turn towards me. And when I waken in the morning, you are still thinking of me.” Are we the same way with Him? Our hearts and thoughts should be constantly on Him in this same manner. This is the only way for us to walk through this world and be ready to be with Him forever. 

Love Him. Trust Him. Write His Word on your hearts. Share all this with others! He is coming!  Are you ready?? 


By Amber Thomas